Video: Come Along on My Fantastic Flight in Japan Airlines First Class

Last week (on my birthday!), Travel + Leisure published my article about how I used airline miles and paid just $32 to book a $16,000 award ticket on Japan Airlines in first class from Los Angeles to Jakarta via Tokyo.
I won't get into all the details about how I used Alaska Airlines miles to book my ticket here since I outline them thoroughly in that article.
But what did not go into that article was the video I made about the actual experience of my flight.
I pretty much decided to do this on the fly the day I traveled, so please pardon the casual nature of it and my extremely basic editing skills. I just thought it would be a fun look at one of my favorite first-class experiences in the world and what I actually do on the plane (mostly eat!).

I hope you enjoy it! Leave me your thoughts in the comments and follow me @EricRosenLA on Instagram and Twitter to see more of my travels.
