JustLuxe: Unionmade Goods

I've been writing a lot about hotels and restaurants lately on JustLuxe, so between that, and the fact that I've been dreaming about a new summer wardrobe, I decided to switch things up and write about a new men's clothing store called Unionmade Goods that just opened their first LA location at the Brentwood Country Mart (their original is in San Francisco).

It's the kind of place Wills and Harry would do their shopping for everything from mandals to wear beachside on the French Riviera, to a nice scarf and windbreaker for bundling up while hiking glaciers in Patagonia, to backyard barbecue wear.

All in all, it sounds like a little shopping spree is in order for yours truly!

Link: http://www.justluxe.com/travel/news/feature-1543286.php
