A couple years ago, HotelChatter did a
Celebrity Hotel Report Card, but we decided that, as part of my continuing series this week on outrageous celebrity hotel demands, we would update the report card and take stock of a few projects we've been hearing about lately.
Included in the roundup: Richard Gere's Bedford Post Inn in upstate New York, Ivanka Trump and the i

mminent Trump Soho Hotel in New York City, Gloria Estefan's two Miami hotels (The Cardozo and the Costa D'Este Beach Resort) , Olivia Newton-John's spiritual retreat in Australia called the Gaia Retreat, and Jay-Z's continuing troubles (and pending lawsuit) regarding the proposed J Hotel in New York City's Chelsea neighborhood.
Now, we don't grade on a curve, and we're pretty harsh judges, so we weren't exactly han

ding out A's. I think we were tough, but fair. After spending all week learning about just how demanding celebrities can be of other hotels, our expectations were pretty high for what celebrities who decide to open up hotels themselves should be able to accomplish.
To learn more about the properties and see how we rated each one, check out my Report Card story here: