High Holy Days Package at Hyatt

I was assigned a story today by HotelChatter about a special High Holy Days package at the Hilton Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco.

I just thought it was a funny story in general since what observant Jew would possibly be away from home on the most important holiday of the year. I also thought it was funny that I was the writer assigned this story, seeing as what a nice Jewish boy I am. I hope I earned some NJB points by heading home for Rosh Hashanah this past weekend at least!


Unknown said…
Well, to be fair, Passover and Yom Kippur are considered more important holidays -- so it'd be weird for someone to go at the end of the Ten Days of Awe (particularly considering 24 hours are spent fasting!).


L'shana tovah tikatevu!
Eric said…
Theoretically the package went from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur--but we only got to it this week, so Yom Kippur it was. And I actually think Tish B'Av commemorating the destruction of the Second Temple has come in second to Yom Kippur on the importance scale...though reform Jews don't do much to mark it.