Father's Day Roundup

He taught you to tie your shoes, throw a fastball, carve a turkey, and knot a tie. Well, at least he probably taught you how to do some combination of those, and probably other things as well, like how not to stop and ask for directions, and how to take apart the kitchen sink when there's a clog, and then not know how to put it back together again....Ah, dad!

Now it's time to repay the favor by taking your dad out for a nice time on this Father's Day, no Hallmark card necessary. Take a look at my LA.com roundup of the most intriguing meal deals we came across, as well as a few quick-hit potentials so you can take full advantage of all the L.A. restaurant scene has to offer. For all you neglectful children, the big day is this Sunday, June 21st, so get your reservations in now.

And just as a side note, I find it distressing how many fewer Father's Day events there are than Mother's Day. I mean, come on!

Link: http://www.la.com/ci_12618242?source=rss
