I might just have gotten back from France, but I'm already thinking about where to take the next big wine-tasting trip. For professional reasons, of course.

Though Australia, New Zealand and South Africa are all big contenders, I think that something a little closer to home might be more feasible, so it was with great interest that I reported on the upcoming opening of the Allison Inn in Oregon's Willamette Valley wine country. The rooms are still going to be a little too pricey for my budget, but it's good to know about. What's really interesting is that it is apparently the first luxury hotel/resort of its type up there. So far there are only B&B's and other sundry farmhouse-y inns, but maybe that will all change now.
Take a look at the story:

I love that article to boot... it talks about WV opening up, and it being about time! I can't wait to see what happens with this place. Your article is awesome too... thanks so much for the kind words!
Thanks! The Allison's online guy, Mike!