Jaunted: Chilean Wine Day 2, Cachapoal

Today on Jaunted, I cover the other wine region I visited on my recent trip down to Chile: the Cachapoal Valley.

Never heard of it? You're not alone. It's actually a sub-region of the much larger (and more well known) Rapel Valley, and is nestled right in the foothills of the Andes, so there are tons of interesting microclimates that make it possible to produce distinctive wines--especially reds like Chile's signature Carmeneres.

So come along as I try the wine (literally, just the one wine) at Vik, and then the whole range (along with a beautiful multi-course tasting menu) at Anakena, and drink from the roots of the Andes with me.

Link: http://www.jaunted.com/story/2011/7/4/15253/18636/travel/Drinking+from+the+Roots+of+the+Andes+in+Chile%27s+Cachapoal+Valley
