My $50 Phone Call

Calling internationally is still an expensive proposition, but $50 for a two-minute call!? That is just plain ridiculous. So imagine my ire when I discovered a charge for that amount on my credit card this past month from some company called Network Operator Services, with a random call center somewhere in Texas. Turns out the charge was from a call I'd had to make at Charles De Gaulle all the way back in April. My phone battery had run out on the plane for some reason even though I'd turned it off, so while trying to figure out where to tell the shuttle service to pick up my mother, I placed a call to her cell phone, hoping to find her at Terminal 1. The only problem was, I didn't have any euros on me, so I couldn't buy a phone card to use at a regular pay phone. Instead, I used one of those phones that allows you to pay with your credit card. There were no rates posted, and nothing about their 3-minute minimum call policy. I thought maybe I'd be charged $5 or so for the 90-second call (I left a voicemail), knowing that those phones aren't cheap. But $50!?

Read on to find out why I can't dispute the charge with my credit card, and just what the next step might be to get my $50 back...


Hi! I found this post on your blog while searching for answers for the EXACT same problem! My husband was at Charles de Gaulle a few weeks ago and actually ended up having to call 3 times from one of those phones all in a matter of minutes (long story). Our charges were 2 min = $52; 4 min = $70; and 12 min = $118!!!!!! It seems there is no rhyme or reason to any of those charges when you break it down per minute. Just wondering if you were ever able to get your money back and HOW! We're looking for some answers. If you happen to have a moment to email me, I would greatly appreciate it. katiebyington7 (at) yahoo (dot) com. Thanks so much!