
I am making a pre-New Year's resolution to start posting consistently. Perhaps not daily, but definitely a lot more than I have been. Thanks to some big articles of mine that are coming out right around now, I think that will be easier to do since I will have some news to share each time one of them is published.

For instance, my piece on the local foods movement for Frontiers Magazine in West Hollywood just came out. Here is the link: http://www.frontierspublishing.com/2716/goodlife/nesting_dt.html

In it, I explain the rise of the "locavores" (people who eat food only from within a certain radius of where they live), and talk to several chefs around LA including Andrew Kirschner at Wilshire Restaurant and Simon Dolinky at BLVD 16, as well as Amelia Saltsman, the author of The Santa Monica Farmer's Cookbook.

The local food movement--with its emphasis on environmental awareness, quality produce, and seasonality--is fascinating and is evolving at its fastest right here in LA, so now is a great time to be a food critic in California!
